
From design to your customers door step!

“Turnkey” is thrown around a lot in our industry. Subterraneus wants to live up to that moniker. We are constantly learning and growing so we truly can be a one-stop shop for our customers. We are able to assist in the design and engineering of outside plant and fiber networks, build the backbone, install the service drops and bring the equipment and services inside to our residential and commercial customers.

Design & Engineering

We have a lot of experience, with a lot of variety, when it comes to outside plant and network structuring. We can help with designing and engineering your future fiber goals.


Trenchless technology has become the #1 safest and cleanest method of installing services underground and Subterraneus Inc has teams of highly experienced crews with the newest and best equipment ready to complete the toughest jobs.

Mainline Plowing & Trenching

We are ready for the dirty work! Whether it’s long hail rural runs that need to be done quickly and cost effectively or simply somewhere other forms of construction can’t be completed. We have the newest and most advanced plows and trenchers to get things buried right.

Fiber Installation & Splicing

Once the pipe is in the ground, its time to get those service lines connected to bring everything together. Subterraneus is ready and equipped to pull, blow, jet and splice our customers’ fiber quickly and efficiently.

Service Drops – Aerial & Underground

Our bread and butter. The most important part of all, bringing your services directly to your customers. Whether it’s through the air or underground, we are EXPERTS at bringing your services to your customers. Utilizing efficient plowing, trenching and boring technology as well as a 100% focus on restoration and customer satisfaction, we have the ability to cover high volume drop installations for our customers.


The last stop of the ride! Subterraneus started and cut its teeth as in-home/business services installation technicians and are ready to bring your advanced technology inside for your customers.


Some of the Partners we work with.